Don't live with the pain, fix the problem.
Established to help treat individuals with either new or on-going pain, our belief is that you should not have to ‘live with’ pain, covering or numbing it with 'pain-killers', when there's ways to identify the root causes of those pains and to help eliminate the problem and assist the body to heal. We provide treatment for musculoskeletal problems without the need for medical appointments, and we will always recommend referral to your GP if this is required.
Your First Visit
Otley Osteopaths provide a professional, safe and excellent health care service. Before any treatments are carried out, all the options will be explained, and you can ask any questions you may have.
See an Osteopath Quickly
As you don’t need a referral from your doctor to see an osteopath, you will typically be able to see an osteopath without the long waiting times that can often occur with other treatment options.
Live life at its fullest
Otley Osteopaths was established to help treat individuals with either new or on-going pain. Our belief is that you should not have to ‘live with’ pain when there are often ways to identify the root causes of that pain and to help the body heal itself. We provide treatment for musculoskeletal problems without the need for scans or lengthy waiting times for medical appointments. If there are any concerning issues, we will always recommend referral to your GP as required.

Active in Otley
Otley is bursting with beautiful countryside walks, sports events and activity-based groups to join, often featuring in the route for the Tour de Yorkshire. It’s no wonder, then, that we are based in Otley, to help its community keep on top of a healthy lifestyle. With so much to do, it’s easy to allow the general 'wear-and-tear’ of sports, exercise, or life in general build up until we hit a wall, niggling pains become unbearable and active life grinds to a halt. Situated in the heart of Otley, our clinic is easy to find and quick to book. Click here to book an appointment today
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